
In 2015, Gok, my then 5 year old X pug endured a spinal injury which resulted in temporary, total lameness of his back legs. Although after a week he was able to walk, he was left dragging one of his back legs. He underwent many mainstream investigations, including an MRI which showed an irregularity in his lower spine. The specialist vet recommended spinal surgery which could have assisted him yet this was not assured. After further consultation with my regular vet, she suggested I seek advice from KK which I did. On our first visit with KK, she was very positive that the holistic treatment including – herbal supplement, change of diet and acupuncture would benefit Gok. Within weeks of following this regime, the improvements to Gok’s well-being were astounding…his gait had improved and his excess weight, which had also been an ongoing issue, was now under control. Gok had also suffered with an irritating skin condition for years which many treatments had been unsuccessful in treating. He no longer suffers from any such condition. Gok’s ongoing well-being is a direct result of the benefits of TCVM. Under KK’s guidance, I have also become proficient in giving Gok regular moxa treatments at home which are highly beneficial in maintaining his optimal physical state. My 5 year old rescue greyhound, Nina, has also benefited from TCVM in dealing with post traumatic stress and injuries which she had endured as a racing greyhound. Nina also enjoys ongoing wellness and most significantly, her stress is so less and she is such a calm and loving member of the family. I am so grateful for having been introduced to KK and for her holistic approach to the treating of our fur babies. I cannot recommend more highly the benefits of ongoing TCVM.

Deana Ward

I build sites that are smart, strategic, and simple. And I’m a copywriter who understands the best ways to connect with humans and please Google. My project process has been honed over the past ten years, creating a stress-free client experience.



