Koko with Ear Infection

This is KoKo, he is 11 years old and 11 months. He has been suffering from an ear infection for a loooong time!

Here he is at Dr. KK’s for getting some help.

It’s been only two months since he had hot ears since we started treating him but he is much happier and has much better tongue colour too!

His ears are cool to be touched and he's very happy.

Her mum also told Dr. KK that he is now talking again!!! (He lost his voice and unable to talk for a while)

Woof woof gentle big fluffy bear KoKo.

We've got this together!!!

Jay Blackamore

I’m Jason Blackamore and Founder of Riff Raff Life Coaching. I partner with parents, schools to support young people in finding their passion, unleashing their full potential and live a purposeful life.


Ted with Aural Haematoma


Emma with Acid Reflux