
My Brown eyed Girl.

In 2006 I welcomed Stella, a red Staffy into my world. Being my “first” pet (not a family shared pet) my intention was to provide her with the best possible care and attention. From day one she had Premium Holistic branded dry food with the addition of home cooked toppings. We never snacked on commercial treats, preferring dried liver or fruit with mum!

Stella lived a very healthy active life without injury or illness, moving to Qld in 2009, we were conscious of the increased heat and sun exposure always limiting her sunbaking. Christmas 2013, Stella was licking her right paw occasionally and then more intensely. I noticed a lump on the underside and watched it grow for 2 weeks before taking her to the Vet for an aspirate; it confirmed the cells were changing.

My gut instinct was that we had Pet Insurance, we should opt for the “best” available medical care, a course of Chemo and Radiation would do the job and Stella would be sick – but fine in the long-term. She was only 7yrs old. The Specialist suggested her leg being amputated, but I thought Cancer treatment was viable and “who would chop off their nose to spite their face” if there was a treatable option.

May 2014, Chemo and Radiation made the cancer “angry” Stella was very sick and on the Monday morning her leg was amputated. Phew. The relief in her eyes said it all. Stella recovered amazingly well; she was already using 3 legs quite happily.

Sept 2015, I notice everything about Stella – I check her toileting, breathing, eating, sleeping… poor thing, I did share a bit of my anxiety with her. I notice a lump on her chest – again I watched it for a week or two and then we went back to the Vet. The Vet confirmed with an aspirate and X-Rays there was possibly 2 growths on her ribs “but we’d have to do a biopsy to be sure and go from there”. I scooped Stella up and vowed never to return to a “normal Vet” again.

That afternoon I poured my heart out to my neighbour; she had a Beagle and said they were seeing a Japanese Holistic Vet. Dr KK came to our house that evening and did an incredibly thorough assessment, quizzing me on her movements, likes/dislikes, habits etc.

KK’s TCVM plan for Stella included Food Therapy, Massage and Acupuncture to help detox her body from all of the chemicals, breakdown the stagnation she was suffering from and most importantly fight the cancer and maintain her quality of life.

Nov 2015, Stella told me when she was ready to say goodbye. The Cancer was not going to disappear in her case, we did everything to make the most of her last few months with us. Many people who “knew” her around town were shocked that she was so sick and yet looked pretty normal on the outside. She was the essence of health but not winning the fight.

March 2016, the only way to mend a broken heart is to find another to love. Welcome Charlotte to my world – and straight off to see Dr KK for our TCVM assessment! TCVM is not for sick fur babies, it is a path to follow from day one.

KK advised us on balancing Western medicine with TCVM so that regulations can be adhered to – vaccinations etc from puppy through to adult stage, all with a moderate view on what is necessary and what are the alternatives.

TCVM has changed my outlook on medicines for me and my pets, it is a really interesting study and I enjoy learning about its different paths. Cooking has always been a favourite in our house, with Food Therapy once you have the tools (ingredients) you can make it complicated or simplify to your needs and skills.

Massage has always been a part of connecting with my Fur babies. It helps when they are injured, builds trust and creates a bond with healing through touch.

The Chinese have been practising Acupuncture for thousands of years so they must be doing something right? Charlotte is still sceptical about Dr KK and her needles however most Fluffies love the comfort and sleepy feeling when being treated.

Dr KK has shown alternatives to what we accept as “normal Veterinary practice” and I am committed to her TCVM.

Stella will never be replaced and the joy of discovering Charlotte’s unique character and personality keeps me going every day.

Thank you KK,


-Julia, Charlotte and Stella xx from Sunshine Beach

Deana Ward

I build sites that are smart, strategic, and simple. And I’m a copywriter who understands the best ways to connect with humans and please Google. My project process has been honed over the past ten years, creating a stress-free client experience.


