Tilly and Luna

Tilly and Luna are both rescue dogs. Luna is a Italian greyhound cross Foxie and has experienced seizures for many years. She is six now and, unlike most rescues, I have her records going back to her first adoption from the RSPCA at one year of age, she is now around 6years old and has had five different homes. Luna was getting seizures daily and all the conventional treatments failed to control them. She is chemically sensitive and any tick/flea poisons or herbicide/insecticide sprays will set off a seizure as will any bump to the head. Kaori’s acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine which she takes daily and food regime which she follows has brought the seizures under control. She now only gets a seizure every few months and they don’t last as long or appear as severe as previously.Luna lies calmly while she has the acupuncture and loves the treat afterwards!:-)

Tilly, her big sister, also relaxes with the acupuncture and has shown great benefit. Tilly, a boxer cross ridgeback, was a street doggy before ending up in the pound and she was experiencing painful body joints, lack of energy and trauma reactions including withdrawal and anxiety symptoms. At one stage a year ago I had to lift her into the car because she couldn’t jump up, she has only just turned 7 years old. After starting Kaori’s treatment regime (including food) she has more energy, is more supple and flexible in her body and is less reactionary and more peaceful and calm. A happier dog all round! 

Both dogs have shown great improvement in their overall health and wellbeing since starting treatment.

Deana Ward

I build sites that are smart, strategic, and simple. And I’m a copywriter who understands the best ways to connect with humans and please Google. My project process has been honed over the past ten years, creating a stress-free client experience.



