
Hana is a female whippet, will be 12 years old this year. I found her skin cancer 3 years and a half year ago and Hana has been treated by Dr. KK since the day Hana was diagnosed with skin cancer. Dr. KK does unique treatment with acupuncture and herbal medicine which aiming for building up own immune system. Dr. KK also made right decision for Hana when she got an accident and required operation or needed antibiotics for infection, therefore I can trust her anytime.

I have learnt a lot about building up immune system or not to drop immune system are the most important for cancer treatment.

Hana is easy to get stress, therefore her skin cancer became larger when she was stressed. Hana has been treated by Dr. KK with regular acupuncture and herbal medicine for reduce stress and building up immune system.

I am a lucky enough to meet Dr. KK. Hana is always happy to see Dr. KK and having an acupuncture. The same time I am always relaxing when I am watching Hana being an acupuncture with Dr. KK.

Pets are our best friends and bring to us a lot of fun and laugh. But once they became ill, we became sad and worry.. Don’t worry! Dr. KK can treat your best friend well, and make you happy. Thank you very much for looking after Hana and myself.

-Masako Gokita

Deana Ward

I build sites that are smart, strategic, and simple. And I’m a copywriter who understands the best ways to connect with humans and please Google. My project process has been honed over the past ten years, creating a stress-free client experience.


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